We want to point out to you a status quo of the current situation of the active substance registration on the basis of our dossiers.
In the field of plant protection the active substance Pyrethrins was included in Annex I of Directive 91/414/EEC by Commission Directive 2008/127/EC. On 25 May 2011, the Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) No 540/2011 also included Pyrethrins in the list of approved active substances under Regulation (EC) No 1107/2009. Furthermore, on 21 August 2013, the Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) No 798/2013, amending Implementation Regulation (EU) No. 540/2011, states the conditions of approval of the active substance Pyrethrins.
We have successfully submitted the data required by the authorities (confirmatory data) to level 1 in April 2014. The confirmatory data claimed by 31st December 2015 for level 2 were also submitted in compliance with the regulations, so the listing of the active substance is still secured. Furthermore, we are already working on the renewal process of authorization of the active substance in 2019, so that there is a reliable data base for the coming years.
On the biocides level (528/2012) we have submitted all the necessary data for the evaluation and approval of the active substance and expect the corresponding authorization for insecticide uses (Product Type 18) in the 2nd quarter of 2016 at the latest.
Even though the process of approval is still ongoing, our active substance is listed under Article 95 which is essential for purchasers of pyrethrins since September 2015. From this date active substances can only be sourced from suppliers that are on this list. Our source is listed under the name Chrysanthemum cinerariaefolium, extract from open and mature flowers of Tanacetum cinerariifolium obtained with hydrocarbon solvents with the CAS-No. 89997-63-7 and the EC-No. 289-699-3.
KPIC has decided to forward the above described processes with all his strength also in the future to keep the notifications of Pyrethrins alive. Particularly important for our customers -and thus for KPIC- is the already earlier mentioned month of September 2015, as there has to be defined a supply relationship between KPIC and you from this time. Of course, we are very willing to provide you the needed evidence (Letter of Supply or Letter of Access) in order to give you a reliable basis for your product registrations also in the future.
It makes no difference whether you obtain the active substance by a third party or directly from KPIC. Of course, you are free to obtain pyrethrum by a distributer authorized by us. Therefore we ask you to contact us as quickly as possible to agree on how the basis of our future cooperation might look like. We are prepared to individual and flexible solutions that comply with all of your and our interests equally.